Blog Post

How to Farm Successfully

  • By Kerry Keith
  • 03 Feb, 2020

How to Farm Successfully

 For those Realtors® who worked in the 90’s when there was no social media or in the 80’s when there was no internet, farming was how agents marketed themselves. Real estate farming allows you to specialize in a small geographic area and it’s still a great way to generate leads, and build relationships that are the foundation of your real estate business.

 If this is the first time you’re farming, you’re farming a new area, or you’re on a budget, you can start with as little as 50 to 100 homes. When your budget increases so can the amount of homes. When farming, the best place to start is where you live since you know the area and have insights into the neighborhood. No matter where you choose, you want to find a farm area that’s not already being heavily farmed by another agent or team and one that has enough turnover to warrant marketing the area. In order to figure out the turnover rate in your potential farm area, simply divide the total number of homes in the area by the number of homes sold in the last two years. Tom Ferry recommends areas with a 6% or higher turnover rate.

 Farming can involve direct mail, door knocking, postcards, newsletters, email marketing, social media, websites, and more. The key to success in farming is the frequency of contacts no matter the form you choose. Postcards may seem outdated, but they can still work as long as they offer value. Whether it be neighborhood statistics, “just listed”, “just sold”, or “open house” postcards, recipes, or those that are geared toward holidays. There are tons of companies that offer a direct mail monthly campaign that can easily be set up and sent automatically to your farming area. Newsletters are also a popular and an excellent way to show your farm that you are the neighborhood expert. Sending a monthly or quarterly market update of the community to its owners not only shows that you stay aware of the neighborhood’s sales activity, it provides residents with something of value that they’ll look forward to receiving on a regular basis.  

 Door knocking doesn’t necessarily mean you have to knock on doors if you don’t want to. It means getting out to the neighborhood, passing out or leaving marketing materials, and introducing yourself to the neighbors you meet. Make sure you know the market statistics because the question you will get asked most often is, “how’s the market?” You want to know how many homes are currently on the market in the neighborhood, how many pending, how many sold in the past month, six months, or year, average sold price, and the average days on the market from active to sold. This information should always be readily available.

 Open houses are a cost-effective way to get your name and yourself seen, attract buyers, and meet the neighbors in your farming area. Owners who are thinking about selling, like to check out open houses in their neighborhood prior to putting their home up for sale. If you don’t have a listing yet in your farm, reach out to an agent who does and ask if you can do an open house for them. Once you do get a listing, hold an open house as much as the sellers will allow to not only to try and sell your listing, but to show the neighbors your determination and commitment.  

 Email marketing is one of the best ways to reach your farm, the only difficulty is obtaining the email addresses. To gather email addresses, include your website on all your marketing materials and have a place on your website where they can sign-up for your email newsletter. Having sign-up forms at the events you do in the neighborhood is a great method where owners call fill-out their information. Offering a drawing helps motivate them to actually want to fill out the form. Whether you meet neighbors by direct mail, at an open house, or at their front door, it’s crucial to always ask for their email address to be able to provide them with regular market and neighborhood updates.

 As the neighborhood expert, you need have a neighborhood Facebook page that will allow you post announcements about the area, stay in contact with past clients, connect with new potential clients, and create event pages. Follow all local restaurants, businesses, and communities and share events that pertain to your farming area. Make sure when using hashtags in any of your posts to tag the area you are farming. You can also create Facebook and Instagram ads that only target the people in your farming area.

 Creating a website, and a domain name, that is specific to your farm will show that you are the neighborhood expert. Post things of value on the page such as; just listed and just sold links, open house invitations, and other community events and information. Be sure your website reflects the area, your brand, and your expertise. Include a home search function or IDX so visitors can search for homes. The website should feature videos and photos of the neighborhood and local amenities like nearby shopping centers, schools, parks, trails and more.

 Videos are essential in staying current and can be used on your social media and website. Try interviewing local experts, do community tours, and preview new listings in your farm. Create a video blog and talk about community events in the neighborhood, market update, or tips. Photos are the perfect way to capture local events, restaurants, or brag about local school sports teams. Don’t forget about drone videos and photos of the neighborhood to add to your website and social media pages.

 Cold calling has also changed throughout the years and when calling on your farm, your hope is they’ve already received at least one postcard from you, a newsletter, and seen an open house sign. When calling owners in your farm, invite them to an upcoming open house, tell them about a recent sale that is similar to their home, or talk about the real estate market in their neighborhood, don’t forget to ask them if they have any interest in selling in the next six months. The more you farm the area, the more your call will be a warm call instead of cold.

There are so many other ways to market to a farm. Below are a dozen marketing ideas to try.

·      Sponsor community events, school fundraisers, or sports teams, or something as simple as the semi-annual garage sale for the neighborhood.

·      Get a booth at a local farmers market where you can hand out your newsletter, giveaways, and talk to the neighbors.

·      Partner with a local lender and farm the area together.

·      Reach out to your local home warranty rep, termite company, or home inspectors and ask if they have any marketing materials that they would be willing to provide then you can attach your business card and pass them out.

·      Tour all the homes that comes on the market in your farm. Nothing screams “expert” like an agent who can rattle off the features and drawbacks of any address or know the newest listing and the latest sale in the neighborhood.

·      Join the chamber of commerce and attend the mixers and other community events. Bring printed marketing materials, not just your business card, to make sure they remember you.

·      Go to local meetups to meet local business owners, community leaders, and people who share your interests. Go to and discover how you can get involved in the area you’re farming.

·      Attend city planning meetings to keep up-to-date on any zoning changes or new developments.

·      If the farm area is located in an HOA, attend HOA meetings (if allowed) and meet owners. Plus, you’ll have the ability to talk about or use the information you gained on your website or social media pages. If the HOA puts out a newsletter, find out if you can include an ad in the newsletter or ask if you can write a column for the newsletter about the real estate market.

·      Go to local concerts in the park and if allowed, sponsor the event with branded popcorn bags or water bottles.

·      When dining at local restaurants, take photos, meet the owners, and post on your social media and neighborhood website.

·      Be an expert in the neighborhood’s amenities so you’ll know which park is the best for kids, dogs, or parties, when the farmer’s market is being held, any updates on schools or local businesses, and the calendar of events.

 No matter what you do, your message must provide value and you must be consistent in what you send or pass out. If you know the neighborhood real estate market, be at all the community events, and do open houses then your farming will be successful.

What's Up Realtors?

By Kerry Keith September 22, 2020

 Leads are key to a real estate agent’s business, but if there’s no follow-up then a lead is nothing more than that, a lead that was never nurtured and didn’t result in more business. What’s that saying, “it’s easier to keep a client than to get a new one?” So, what are the steps needed to follow-up with clients to make sure an agent has the competitive advantage when the client or lead is ready to buy or sell?

 The first step is having a Customer Relations Management (CRM) system, which allows an agent to manage and keep in contact with existing clients, past clients, and prospective leads. If leads are coming in from all sources such as a website, online, social media, referrals, and a farm, it’s nearly impossible to keep up, keep track, and follow-up with them on a consistent basis without a CRM. It’s a place where an agent can reconnect with former clients, stay in touch with customers and leads, and manage a calendar. An agent can store notes, keep track of their current pipeline, prioritize leads, analyze business on how the follow-up is performing, and where the follow-up campaigns can be personalized. It’s vital in developing relationships and earning repeat business.

 Now that a system’s in place, how does an agent get started? When an agent takes a listing, meets buyers for the first time, or gets a lead or a referral, they should automatically input the contact information into their CRM with a plan for follow up. This should include home anniversary dates, birthdays, and any important details. All clients should be included in the CRM no matter how long it’s been since the agent sold them the property or made contact with them. A CRM can also be linked to a website, social media pages, and even email marketing programs.

 On average, consumers use email six hours a day, often checking up to thirty times in one day. An email drip campaign is one of the easiest, cost effective, and valuable ways to reach clients and leads on a continuous basis. Once the campaigns are set up, they’ll automatically be sent to clients. When using email, it’s best to use an email marketing program to eliminate spam. The most important thing to think about when creating an email drip campaign is to make sure the content offers value to maximize the amount of views and clicks. Separate lists help target the audience to make the email campaigns even more personalized whether by area or by the urgency on when the lead’s going to buy or sell.

 While email and online are more popular today, direct mail is still a beneficial way to stay in touch with clients and leads, and to provide value with a focused message. Newsletters with market updates, postcards, and personalized letters work well for direct mail campaigns. It’s a great idea to use a separate email address or a unique URL on a website when using direct mail to be able to track the Return on Investment (ROI) from the campaigns. Just like email programs, there are dozens of companies that offer automated direct mail campaigns.

Here are some ideas on how to utilize drip campaigns whether using email or direct mail.

·      Thank you card after a sale or market analysis

·      Market updates - just listed and just sold

·      Newsletters and market reports - whether email or print

·      Holiday and seasonal cards

·      Yearly calendars

·      Home anniversaries

·      Surveys and quiz’s

·      Phone calls – use scripts if need help on the phone

·      Video updates – whether through email or social media

·      Personal handwritten cards or letters

·      Buyer & seller gifts or gift cards

    Another great tool that real estate agents have for follow-up are listing alerts using an auto email through the local MLS. When a buyer is looking for a certain area and criteria, it’s very simple to set up a search with an auto email where the prospective buyer receives an email with any listings that meet their criteria. These can be sent as soon as the listing is active on the MLS, once a day, or it can be customized. The MLS allows the agent to keep track of when the buyer visits the portal, what listings were sent to them, and even allows the buyer to favorite properties. Once the email is on auto saved, it will automatically send new listings to the buyer unless they unsubscribe to the email. Social media is another important avenue to stay in contact with clients and leads. Inviting them to like the agent’s real estate page so that content like market updates, local news and events, and fun and interactive images can be posted to the page. This will create engagement and where an agent can interact with their followers daily.

 Remember for the initial contact, follow up with a phone call within five minutes or sooner is highly recommended. Making an appointment is the ultimate goal, therefore it may take several contacts to get an appointment whether it by call, text, or email. If after a week or two and an appointment has not been set, then it’s time to add the lead to a drip campaign. Don’t forget to set aside time to work on your CRM, email and direct mail drip campaigns, MLS auto searches, and social media marketing. Make sure the follow-up is fun, entertaining, & unique in some of the campaigns used. An effective follow-up plan will guide an agent in nurturing their contacts, remind their clients that they’re still in the real estate business, and the easiest way to turn clients into future business.
By Kerry Keith September 14, 2020

 This year real estate agents have had extra time to get their businesses organized. Being organized allows agents to become more efficient, save time, and have the ability to access information easier and quicker. This provides agents to be more productive which leads to more income.

 Paperwork used to dictate an agent’s work life, but with cloud base document storage, CRM’s, and a plethora of apps, there’s almost no need to keep paper files anymore. Under California Business & Professions Code §10148, “A licensed real estate broker shall retain for three years copies of all listings, deposit receipts, canceled checks, trust records, and other documents executed by him or her or obtained by him or her in connection with any transactions for which a real estate broker license is required.” This law also includes emails. Remember, a buyer has three to four years, from the date of discovery to bring an action against a seller and real estate agents, for an undisclosed defect or some other contract breach. So, it’s highly recommended to keep records of all documents.

 An efficient method of keeping these records is to scan files before destroying the hard copies. If you don’t have a scanner or a printer with a scan function, apps like Genius Scan digitizes documents right from your phone. It will convert the image into a PDF file to share or store. Ask escrow companies to email opening packages and documents instead of mailing them to be able to save them on your computer. If possible, have all documents and disclosures emailed, scanned, or signed digitally. Places like Docusign and Ziplogix Digital Ink allows you to save documents to your computer or to your cloud base filing systems. DocuSign’s platform coordinates directly with business tools such as Dropbox and Google Drive that can also reduce the amount of paper files needed. Even though the files are saved and stored, it’s important to organize your files on these platforms by updating your files, deleting old ones, and clearing out the drive to free up space.  

 Computers often crash, and if you don’t use a cloud base storage or management system, then make sure all digital files are backed up on an external hard drive. Filing systems whether you use paper or electronic, should be organized by utilizing folders such as Active, Closed, Pending, and Off Market then sub folders with property addresses or a client’s name. Organizing your photos is just as important as organizing your files. These can be organized by utilizing folders like Current Listings, Sold, Off Market, and Leads and then sub folders with the property address. Make sure your photos are backed up a cloud service or an external driver as well. Once your files are backed up, it’s time to shred those files.

 Getting all your real estate contacts in order is a crucial step toward staying organized. Using a Customer Relations Management System (CRM) helps manage and organize clients, listings, escrows, and leads all in one place. It’s recommended to clean out your CRM on a quarterly basis to delete duplicates, add new contacts, and provide any updates. Make a point to contact all clients with a phone call, email, or direct mail. This will provide the chance to update mailing addresses, delete incorrect emails or phone numbers, and delete any contacts that are no longer reachable.

 Transaction Management software such as Dotloop, is an online workspace that provides a way to keep documents and files organized. Dotloop allows an agent and an assistant or TC to edit, sign, and share documents without ever needing to print, fax or email. Dootloop can also be synced with Dropbox and Google Drive to keep files all in one place. It’s often been said that time is money, and utilizing a calendar and task management system permits an agent to maximize their time. Systems such as Calendy, Trello, Asana, or those already integrated in a CRM, provide tools to keep track of everything that is going on in your real estate business.

 Cleaning out your email is often more frightening than organizing your folders. will scan your email  and locate all newsletters that you’re receiving and unsubscribe you from the ones you don’t want. It’s helpful to create folders in your email either by a particular year or month or by a command like print or respond, then create sub folders using tags such as a property addresses or client’s names. If you’ve got thousands of email s and the task seems too daunting, then start by tackling new email s as they come in and immediately sort them into a folder, or delete them. Don’t forget to empty your deleted, spam, and drafts folders to free up space. There are services called email extensions such as Folio, Steak CRM, Hiver, or Drag, that help manage and organize emails allowing more free time to work on other aspects of your real estate business.

 Leads are the heart of any Realtors business and keeping track of them is essential. The most important thing is to have a single capture device where you store everything, and where you can easily find the information. Evernote makes jotting down information easy and the app creates folders, which is great for filing active listings and leads. Utilizing a CRM with a mobile app is also a simple way to add a prospect’s information. Even a notebook works to record a contact’s information, just as long as the information is transferred into a CRM, spreadsheet, or an email marketing contact list.

Here are other ways to get your real estate business organized:

·      Update all marketing materials in your buyer and seller packets.

·      Have 5 - 10 buyer & seller packets assembled and ready to use.

·      Update email signature on your computer and on your mobile device.

·      Update social media covers for your business page.

·      Update website with any changes.

·      Clean out your inbox on your desk.

·      Print more brochures for your listings and add to your brochure boxes on your for-sale signs, if applicable.

·      Update white boards in your office.

·      Make sure to have extra supplies including printer paper & ink & postage stamps.

·      Toss or recycle signs, business cards, or marketing material from old companies or with outdated information.

·      If your license expires this year, sign up to take online classes and renew your license.

 There’s always something to do to keep your real estate business organized. When business is slow, it’s easy to find the time to tackle these tasks, when work gets busy, these items often get overlooked. Blocking time for organization allows you to budget your time effectively and efficiently so that you can get back to bringing in new business and closing deals.
By Kerry Keith September 7, 2020

 Whether brand new to the business or a season veteran, a real estate coach can help any agent work through times when they feel burnt out or have lost focus. They can inspire, support, and mentor you to grow your business when the market is booming and the competition is fierce, or when it’s slow and you’re struggling to stay committed and motivated. A coach will offer consultation if you’re unsure of what direction to take or how to get your business to the next level. They help agents set goals, put plans in place, prospect and convert leads, manage and organize their time and database, and get themselves in a mindset to dominate their market. A real estate coach can look at an agent’s business from the outside and provide consultation on what steps you need to take to raise your production and become more efficient.  

 One of the main reasons a real estate agent might hire a real estate couch is to have someone that will hold them accountable. Working independently whether on your own, in a small office, or a big franchise can be difficult for you to stay on task and use your time effectively so that it will produce income. It doesn’t matter if your goals are small like one to two sales a month, or more aggressive such as ten to twenty sales a month, or if you want to build a team to reach fifty to one hundred sales a month. A coach will guide you and provide helpful tools to stay on task so that you can achieve any goal. When you have to check in once a day, once a week, or on a month basis, you’ll more likely have completed the tasks that was suggested by your coach. A coach will not only expect it if you’re going to work with a coach who really cares and wants to see you succeed.

 Staying motivated is another huge reason to hire a real estate coach. Agents who are ready to move to a new plateau may need guidance to stay on task to reach their goal while others may experience a time when sales are slow. It can be frustrating to go to work every day without a steady income and an agent might feel they are doing something wrong and want to quit. Like any other independent contractor position, it’s important as a real estate agent to be self-motivated, to want to do the tasks every day that will increase your business even when it’s tough or slow. A coach will provide ways to stay motivated during the slow times and give you advice on how to manage your business when things are very busy. There’s nothing better than having someone in your corner to keep you positive and engaged in your business no matter what it happening in your market.

 Some of the best real estate coaches are the ones who have actually sold real estate before, especially if they were successful and have a proven track record. There’s nothing better than learning the business from someone who has first-hand knowledge and has been in the trenches so they know what it takes to stay motivated, engaged, and build a successful real estate business. It’s also a chance to soak up their wealth of knowledge and what systems they used that helped them achieve a certain level of success. They will also be able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses and how to build on them or figure what needs to be changed.

 Hiring a real estate coach can be tricky to find the right fit and to get the best return on your investment. There are many different types of coaching; one-on-one coaching, group coaching, mastermind groups, audio or video trainings, seminars, or a combination of these. There are big coaching programs where there is usually one main person who speaks at the seminars and runs the organization, but you’ll actually be coached by someone who works for that company and be plugged into their system like The Mike Ferry Organization, Tom Ferry Coaching (Mike’s son), Buffini & Company, or Craig Proctor. These coaching programs range from $239 to $997 a month. There are also coaches who may be a bit smaller but have received lots of praise and notoriety for their abilities like Julie Youngblood, Learn with Lee, or Tim and Julie Harris Real Estate Coaching that can be more personalized. These start at $100 a month and go up from there. There are also coaches who work individually with a real estate agent and their coaching is specialize to each specific agent. No matter which route you chose, they all have their specialties and it’s best to do your research and really know what you need and what you want to get back from hiring a real estate coach.

 Some coaching programs offer a lot of hype and hoopla to motivate the agent and make them feel good while others provide specific ways to build on the skills needed to have longevity in the business. There are some that introduce new technology or techniques so the agent can leverage their business. Then there are some that will walk the agent through the entire sales process, teach them how to make a sale and close the deal, and lead generation. Some specialize in getting referrals by staying connected and nurturing your sphere of influence while others focus on utilizing technology like social media, websites, and online to create more business. Some teach you how to build a strong brand through marketing. Every agent needs to do their own due diligence to find the right coach for their needs. What works for a friend in the office may not be the right fit for you.

 When interviewing or hiring a coach, make sure to be very transparent about your business, your strengths and weaknesses, your goals, and what you want from your coach so that they know and understand the whole picture and know if they can help you. To get the most out of a real estate coach, you must be open to feedback and make changes, and more importantly be willing to put in the work to want to increase your sales and take your business to the next level. Every agent will experience a time when their business has either hit a plateau, has an issue that needs to be addressed, or things are not going in the direction they desire, a real estate coach will offer the training and guidance to address any issues and will help you achieve the success you desire.
By Kerry Keith August 31, 2020

 Videos are an effective way to capture attention, promote brand awareness, and increase conversions. For the most part, creating and posting videos are free so there’s no need for expensive equipment. All that’s really needed is a smart phone and an agent can start creating videos today. Videos can be created on a smart phone with easy-to-use apps, directly on Instagram through Insta-stories, directly to an agent’s listings on Zillow, or using live streaming through Facebook or YouTube. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google with 1.9 billion users worldwide in 80 different languages, which means 79% of internet users have a YouTube account and watch one billion hours of video per day.

 So how does all of this relate to utilizing video for real estate agents? It’s reported that 90% of homebuyers start their search online, 70% of buyers use video to tour the inside of homes, and 86% use video to search communities. It’s also noted that 85% of sellers want to work with an agent that utilizes video to promote their listings. Below are some ways to use video to connect with followers, past clients, local community members, and prospective buyers and sellers.

·      A virtual tour of a new listing or an open house lets buyers see the features and floorplan of the home and get a feel of the property. A highlight reel of all the agent’s listings provides a quick snapshot to promote the listings to buyers and shows sellers how the agent’s listings are marketed with video.

·      Aerial views or a neighborhood tour of a community offers insight to the area. Video also allows the chance to highlight amenities in the communities that an agent specializes in to promote more interest.

·      Creating videos on how to overcome objections that buyers and sellers may have or answer common questions could provide ideas and tools on how to purchase or sell a home.

·      Videos with market updates can offer a recap of the community’s listings and sales for the week or month, and could even be filmed at different locations within the community.

·      Reviews or testimonials, whether done with a snapshot or with one testimonial, can be performed as an interview style or a client telling their story.

·      Introductory videos to a website, social media page, or on a Zillow account are an effective way to introduce an agent’s real estate business.

·      Just sold videos can be used to promote a recent sale and can be filmed at the property’s location, if possible, and taken with or without the client.

·      For managers, brokers or team leaders, videos are an essential tool in announcing new agents or team members or highlighting a team or an agent’s success or achievement.

 Creating a YouTube channel is one of the first steps to promoting an agent’s videos. To get started, sign up for a Google account or sign-in using an existing one. Go to and create a channel. The channel should be customized with a name, logo, cover photo, description, tags, and links to social media accounts. Once videos are posted on the YouTube channel, it will make it easier to upload them to websites, email marketing programs, or social media accounts since most are compatible with YouTube. It’s reported that emails with video gets double the click through rates and deceases opts-out by 75% than those without so make sure to include video in any email campaigns. Also make sure to add a call-to-action, whether that’s a link to a website or a social media page, at the end of any video and within the description of the video to increase the conversion rate.

 Adding video to Zillow listings is key in obtaining more views of a listing and it also demonstrates to sellers how an agent markets their listings. Premiere members of Zillow always have the option to add videos to their listings. For all others, videos can simply be added through the Zillow app. Once logged onto the agent’s listing page, scroll to a listing and tap on Add Video. This is where a two-minute video can be added. The video can be stopped then started again to show different rooms in the home or different areas or views of the property, and then the videos will be linked together. Once completed, an email will be sent to the agent to confirm the video before it’s available for others to view.

 Apps make it painless to create, edit, and post videos using a smart phone. Clips is a favorite for iPhone uses. It’s a free app where a video is shot directly on the app and videos can be linked together and music can be added. It’s reported that 85% of videos on Facebook are viewed without the sound, which makes transcriptions imperative. Clips automatically transcribes the video where the agent can easily make changes as needed. The video can either be saved on the phone or uploaded directly to a social media page. Hyperlapse is a free app created by Instagram that reduces camera shake in videos and allows users to record up to 45 minutes of video that can then be used to accelerate the footage. The free iMovie app is excellent for creating and editing videos on the iPhone. Vizmato is an app for Androids and iPhones that allows users to record HD video with live special effects.

 Live with Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube is another opportunity to reach followers, a particular target audience, or area. Announcing the broadcast via a social media post or an email before the Live broadcast allows the agent to reach a broader audience. It helps to have a plan for the broadcast by using a five-part system. Start with the title or hook of the message, a story that relates to the message, three teaching points to deepen the message, a call-to-action, and a summary of the Live broadcast. It’s perfectly acceptable and often encouraged to say hello to those who have joined the broadcast and answer questions during the broadcast. It’s also recommended to go Live for at least 10 minutes to give more people a chance to discover and join the conversation. Going Live can help an agent interact with followers in real time, answer questions, and show their audience their authenticity.

 Keep videos on social media short; the ideal length recommended for Facebook it’s 60 to 120 seconds, Instagram it’s 30 seconds, Twitter is 45 seconds, and YouTube is are 2 minutes. Each video needs to provide value. Make sure to be consistent with how often and when videos are posted and be engaging by being authentic. The more video is used, the easier it’ll be to master the art, and build a real estate brand and business.
By Kerry Keith August 24, 2020

 Whether new to real estate or a town or a seasoned pro, every real estate agent can benefit in becoming a local real estate expert. Start by choosing a community, subdivision, a condo complex, or a specific area to focus on. It’s helpful to chose an area where the agent lives or knows very well, but it’s not necessary. Being a local expert means the agent is knowledgeable about the local real estate market, knows the businesses in town, participates and shares community events, and builds relationships in that community. Being an expert allows an agent to get referrals from a variety of local places and people. The first and most important tool is to know the real estate market specific to that community. It’s great to know the city or town, but to really be an expert, an agent must know off hand how many sales in the past month, quarter, and year, the average sales price, the average price per square foot, how many days on average does it take to sell a home in that area, how many homes are pending or under contract, how many listings are currently on the market, and the average list price. It’s also helpful to know highs and lows for each category. It’s called an elevator pitch for Realtors so when someone asks, “how’s the real estate market,” it’ll be easy to respond with facts and confidence. Here are a dozen or so ways to help an agent become a local expert.

·      NEWSLETTERS: Once and agents knows the real estate stats, utilize a newsletter whether monthly, quarterly, or yearly to inform sellers of this information, the more specific and detailed the better. All homeowners love to know what’s selling in their neighborhood, especially if it’s similar to their home, even if they’re not selling for years. Newsletters can be sent via mail, email blast, inserted into a local newspaper or magazine, or posted on a website or a social media page.

·      WEBSITE: A community page should be included on an agent’s website that offers a calendar or events page and a photo gallery or videos of the community for buyers to see the community, the amenities, and why they should live in this particular neighborhood. Drone tours are popular and help buyers get a birds-eye view of the community and how it’s laid out. Add a school page with rankings, any recognitions, and links to their pages. Many parents chose an area because of the schools, and knowing the rankings, the the school calendar, and being able to access more information is key. Include public, private, charter, and religious schools. Keep the website up-to-date and allow sellers to obtain a market analysis on their home and for buyers to access the MLS to find out what’s available for sale.

·      BLOG: A blog, whether on its own or linked to a website, is an excellent vehicle to show the agent’s expertise and to hear the agent’s own voice about the neighborhood.

·      EMAIL: Besides newsletters, a calendar of events is a popular email because people like to know what’s going on in their community, especially when the information is all in one place. Having something of value is what gets people to open the email and more importantly, get click-through and people to engage in the content.

·      MAILERS: Yes, they still work. Whether these are sent as a flyer or a postcard, they are effective to keep sellers in the community informed and to remind them the agent is a local expert. Besides newsletters, the agent can send just sold, just listed, or open house postcards, a calendar of events, market updates, special events, holiday specific, recipes, or include a magnet or giveaway in the mailing. Monthly mailings seem to be the most effective way to stay current and in front of sellers.

·      ADVERTISING: Take advantage of any places that allow an agent to advertise locally whether on traditional or digital billboards, bus benches, magazines, newspapers, or online with target marketing so that the ads are only seen by users within a specific area or zip code.

·      SPONSORSHIP: There’s never a shortage of places, teams, or events looking for sponsorships. Sponsor a local team, adopt a road or highway, pet adoptions, car washes, youth scholarships, sports tournaments, races, a business opening, clean-up days, or seasonal events. Most places will include the agent’s information on a banner, t-shirt, or program or the agent may get a plaque that can be hung in the office or at the agent’s desk. Don’t forget to post on social media about it.

·      SOCIAL MEDIA: Follow, tag, and join all social media groups that are specific to a town or community. Stay engaged on these boards with likes, comments, and shares, but it’s best to not post, comment, or engage in anything that’s negative or leave negative comments. Instead, start a neighborhood page that is informative, constructive, and positive. Always use hashtags before the city, town, or community name for every post so that it can easily be found. It’s also helpful and easy to share events, news, or any information about the community that’s already been posted.

·      CHAMBER: The chamber is a great resource for agents where they can join, attend meetings, participate in events, and become a sponsor for their events. Most of the time those who are arranging or participating in chamber events are local to the community.

·      MEETINGS: Attend local city, HOA, school board, or county meetings. It’s vital to know any changes that are happening in the community and how they affect the local real estate market and don’t forget to post the information on a website, blog, social media page, or newsletter. These meetings can be attended online as well.

·      JOIN: Most communities or cities have clubs and teams for a specific interest or sport. This is one of the best and usually the most enjoyable way to meet people in the community, build relationships, and do something of similar interest.

·      VOLUNTEER: Communities are always looking for people to help. Try a local school, church, senior center, youth group, animal shelter, or a hospital on ways to give back. It speaks volumes when an agent gives back to the community that has embraced them and their business.

·      CLASSES: Host classes for the community that can be about the home buying or selling process like qualifying for a loan, different loan or incentive programs, renting vs buying, tips to get their home ready to sell, or it can be anything the agent is knowledgeable or passionate about. These classes can also be done online via Zoom.

·      REVIEWS: Getting reviews from local client’s is useful for others in that community to start building trust. Post these reviews on a website, social media platform, and print them to have in pre-listing/seller and buyer packets.

·      BUILDERS: If the area or community has new construction, develop a relationship with local builders and share their progress, especially if they offer co-op broker commission if the agent brings in a buyer once the homes are complete.

·      INTERVIEW: Interview local businesses to show the community what businesses are available, what they offer or sell, and to get a chance to develop relationships with business owners. The interviews can be done with video or even live on a website, blog, or social media page. No matter where or how the interviews are accomplished, share it to the other platforms. Interviews can also be done over the phone, email, or online via Zoom.

·      EVENTS:  (when they are back) Attend, participate, take photos or videos, or go live from as many local events, festivals, and parades as possible. Become a vendor if the event allows, to meet people in the community and to giveaway branded items.

Becoming a local real estate expert is the perfect way to build trust and relationships within a community and start getting leads and referrals.
By Kerry Keith August 17, 2020

 A website is more than a place prospective buyers and sellers can go to look through your information, these days your website needs to capture leads and provide information in a quick, easy, and effective way. Even if you’re with a brokerage that offers you a website, it’s important to create a web presence with your own unique website. This will allow you to build a personal brand, showcase your specialties, and share reviews. It also ensures you have a cohesive presence in the local market, even if you switch brokerages.

 Every real estate website must have a strong and user-friendly IDX where buyers can browse properties. You want your IDX to be mobile optimized, have fast load times, offer high return and conversion rates, editable pages, and be search engine friendly. Buyers want to see photos, tours, maps, details, and options to search specifically by area, price, size, features, and even school districts. Buyers also want to be able to save their favorite properties in one place and by having a forced registration where the prospective buyer will have to sign in to use the search page, those prospects will become actual leads.

 A home valuation tool that will capture seller leads to generate listings is also essential on any real estate website. Consumers are drawn to the question, what’s my home worth? and now you’ll be able to offer the answer on your own website. Users will be able to submit their address to find out what their home is worth and are then prompted to sign up to view the actual valuation. Most home valuation widgets offer features like if the user abandons the process before completing the sign-up, the address is still captured as an address-only lead, monthly market reports that are automatically saved and sent to the user based on the address they entered, when any information is given you will receive a notification, and the widget can even be embedded in every property and market report page to entice site users to evaluate what their home is worth. Why pay other sites for seller leads when you can get them from your own website?

 It’s reported that 72% of consumers trust online reviews just as much as a personal recommendation. Reviews are key to any agent’s business and some buyers and sellers won’t work with an agent who doesn’t have a review. While most agents get their reviews from various platforms such as Zillow,, Yelp, or Facebook, it’s best to gather all of these reviews and add them to your own website. Don’t forget to share the link to your review page on your social media pages and if you have a 5-star rating from Zillow, you can add the image to your email signature. Don’t ever be afraid to be boast a good review.

 Websites are full of information and it’s important to be the local specialist by providing valuable information on schools, community events, and the latest news in the community by way of website pages and a blog. Many find a blog a great tool for generating traffic from social and search engines. A blog can also be a great platform for publishing general real estate articles and using a site like, you can set up automatic posting from your blog to your social channels.

 According to a HubSpot survey , companies with 30+ landing pages on their website generated 7 times more leads than companies with 1 to 5 landing pages. A landing page is not the same as a home or welcome page. Your main website page serves a general purpose, while your real estate landing pages have a focused objective that will directly impact and influence the success of your real estate website. There are essentially two types of landing pages; a single objective such as filling out a form and capturing their prospects information through that form. This kind of form will provide you with the opportunity for your visitors to convert to a lead. Whether they enter an email address to subscribe to your newsletter or blog, or offer their contact information for a drawing you’re offering. A secondary type of landing page is a click through page that helps to persuade the visitor to click through to visit another page. The goal of this type of page is to introduce the visitor to your services that should contain images and information to help persuade them to conduct business with you so they will eventually provide their contact information.

 A live chat widget on your website is another opportunity to capture leads. It allows you to have real-time conversations, answer questions, and interact with prospective buyers and sellers, which is key to gaining their business. The best way to generate leads through live chat is to audit your website to see which pages and where your visitors spend most of their time. You can install a live chat tool on the pages where customers need the most assistance or information or where you have the most visitors. Live chat allows prospects to ask questions and ultimately, it helps build trust. No matter which software you use, remember you’ll need to make sure you’ll be able to monitor the live chat or have someone be available to answer the queries when they come in.

 A few last tips to optimize your site is to make it easy for buyers and sellers to find you by having your contact information in the header, side columns, and footer if possible, make sure your website and pages are fast loading and up-to-date, there’s lots of professional photos and videos that represent your market, there are links to all your social media pages, it’s mobile friendly, it’s simple to navigate, and that it’s updated regularly with new and fresh content to keep users engaged. Leads are only as good as your follow-up efforts so make sure to contact any lead immediately and add them to your customer relations management system so that you can offer them valuable content on a continuous basis.

By Kerry Keith August 10, 2020

 A great source for seller leads is to target for sale by owner (FSBO) or expired listings. It’s reported that only 3% of owners sell their home on their own within the desired time, and just 18% received their desired sales price. When a listing expires, 37% will relist with a new agent within 30 days and another 35% will relist within 90 days. The beauty of FSBO’s and expired leads are that you’re reaching sellers who are ready to sell and you will already know the price and condition of the home, which means you can react to the owner’s concerns and issues on why it didn’t sell. 

 Most owners who are trying to sell their property on their own will put an ad in the paper or list it on websites such as;,,,,, and even lists homes for sale by owner. Expired listings can easily be pulled from the MLS when the listing expires or cancels, but you have to work for them to actually become expired leads. If you farm a specific area, driving the streets to locate any for sale by owner signs is another way to get leads for free. Your local title rep can provide access to their system to look up addresses and obtain names and mailing addresses for the owners of the FSBO and expired leads. To access email addresses or phone numbers, you’ll have to purchase a subscription like the companies below who can provide that information.

 Agents who want to get the most listings from FSBO and expired leads can utilize an online company to prospect. REDX finds FSBO leads by scouring hundreds of newspapers and websites along with obtaining contact information. They offer expired leads with accurate landline and cell numbers for new and past expired listings, auto dialing with the Storm Dialer that connects you with leads who are ready to talk and will leave voicemails for those who are not available, GeoLeads that target a specific area, pre-foreclosure leads that target owners who may have to sell their home, and even for rent leads on homes that have not rented yet. They have scripts, easy-to-use interface, and follow-up tools with reminders to keep the leads active. They claim to offer fresh leads every day and provide the lead 12 to 24 hours before any other service. At, subscriptions start at $39.99 a month that includes two areas.

 Like REDX, Land Voice provides FSBO, expired, and pre-foreclosure leads plus Neighborhood Search and Call Capture, which are similar to GeoLeads and Storm Dialer. Something different they provide are old expired leads, which are properties that expired 90+ days ago. Their plans start as low as $40 per month for FSBO leads for two counties or a combined plan starting at $79 a month that include FSBO and expired leads plus the lead management tools at Vulcan7 is another company that provide FSBO and expired leads, neighborhood searches, and direct dialers. Something different they offer are the ability to utilize video emails to send directly to your clients and probate leads by county, which are collected each month at the courthouse and include property, executor, and attorney on record information. Check out for pricing.

 Whether you find FSBO and expired leads on your own or through a company, the most important thing is to respond to all leads as quickly as possible, to have a plan or script when you contact them, and have a follow-up system. Cold calling is the best way to contact a lead and some real estate agents believe that reaching out right away can yield the best rewards, while others say that waiting until the listing has ripened has a greater outcome. If you manage to be the first person to call on a FSBO lead, you will get the opportunity to be the first one to pitch them on the same basic information that every other agent will provide. However, the lead may be reluctant to listen when they first list their home as a for sale by owner or if their home just expired. Before you contact the owner, here are some questions to answer.

  • What was the last list price and were there any price reductions?
  • Is the price accurate to local market sales?
  • How long was the home on the market?
  • Are the photos professional or amateur and did they offer drone photos or video tours?
  • Was there enough information in their description?
  • How and where was the home presented online?

 You’ll find that homeowners have similar objections and concerns, and using a script allows you to have formulated answers rather than speaking off the cuff. There’ll be times that you go off script, but having an outline of what you’ll present and say can offer the best of your expertise. It’s reported that the best time to call is usually after working hours on a Monday because h omeowners will often have poorly attended open houses or showings the previous weekend, and if there are no offers, they may be ready to chat, however what time works best for you and a time that you will stick to is the best time.

 Other ways to reach expired listings are to drop off packets to the home the day the listing expired if you are comfortable with doing that during COVID. The packet can include a market update, how you advertise and market your listings, a letter personal to the homeowner, and maybe a giveaway or two. Make sure the community the property is located in allows soliciting and leave on or by the front door, and not the mailbox. If cold calling is not your strongest skill then try reaching out to pre-foreclosures, old expired listings, or probates where you can utilize direct mailing that still has a 43% response rate or email marketing that has an average of 27.16% open rate and a 3% click-through rate.

 Following up on all leads is the secret to more listings. Once you’ve contacted your lead, don’t wait for the phone to ring, add the lead to your email marketing list to keep them current on what you’re doing to sell your other listings so when you call again, you’re in a better position for the owner to listen. Be sure to watch their listing and note changes to price or local sales so that your follow-up conversations can reflect your knowledge. For FSBO’s, share a blog post or stats about why working with an agent is beneficial to the seller, and ask if they’d be interested in learning more.

 FSBO and expired leads are some of the warmest leads you can work and in order to nurture them effectively, you need a detailed contact list as well as the right strategy. That includes researching the listing, cold calling, using scripts, contacting them through direct mail and email, and following up. Prospecting is a numbers game and the more sellers you reach, the more listings you’ll get. Leads are the lifeblood of the real-estate industry and no matter where and how you get them, here are some things you must have to get started, and to keep going.

·      Set goals and work backwards by how many listings you want to achieve so you’ll know how many appointments you need to determine how many calls or contacts you’ll have to make.

·      Schedule specific times and days that you’ll devote to just prospecting.

·      Practice is key to getting better and feeling more comfortable when cold calling.

·      Create a follow-up system and be consistent.

·      Stay committed to your goals and never give up.

By Kerry Keith August 3, 2020

 Whether you get leads from farming, referrals, open houses, or buy leads; leads are what generates your real estate business and keeps it going. There are dozens of ways to get leads and every agent wants to know where and how to get them and how much money to spend to get the best return on their investment. Let’s explore what you need to do for your business to generate the most leads so that you can start your year off in the right direction, and by springtime, you’ll have all the tools in place to have a successful year.

 Farming is your bread and butter, it’s where you plant the seed and reap the benefits as it continues to grow year after year. To summarize farming, locate a neighborhood, condo complex, or area that has a turnover rate of at least 6%, and start marketing that farm. Door knock with door hangers, mail something at least once a month (postcards, newsletters, or market updates), target the area with your Facebook ads, call on expired or for sale by owner (FSBO) listings in that area, and don’t forget to cold call. Farming is a necessity to an agent’s real estate business and without it, you’ll always be chasing leads instead of the leads coming to you. There’s nothing better then getting a call from a seller who received a postcard or saw your ad online and wants a market analysis on their home. Farming works.

 If you are part of an office that has a retail space then take advantage of floor time. If’s there’s a schedule, make sure you sign up. If not, ask your owner or manager if you can conduct floor time, preferably on the weekend, where you’ll be answer incoming calls and meet prospects that come in the door. Make sure you put out signs and flags letting the public know you are open and that an agent is on duty. Post on social media that your office is open, especially if it’s not usually open at that time. Have the MLS available so if a prospective buyer or seller calls or comes in, you’ll be able to access the information immediately. Know how to work the phones if you’ll be transferring calls to other agents, make sure your car is cleaned out and you have enough gas in case someone wants to look at property, have buyer and seller packets ready, and have business cards and any giveaways on hand. Floor time is free and the lead comes to you, what could be easier?

 While open houses are not on the top priority for real estate agents due to the COVID pandemic, the number one reason to hold an open house whether for your listings or another agent’s listing, is to get leads. Remember when doing an open house to make sure it’s listed in the MLS so that it can be listed on all real estate sites that pull from the MLS, be sure to post the open house on social media using video or live stream on Facebook, and put out as many signs or flags the community will allow. If you want to have a busy open house, then try door knocking around the neighborhood with flyers detailing the open house. If you have a few dollars to spend, why not send an open house postcard to the neighbors by using and mailing them out yourself or and they can mail them for you? If you want to try something new, you can purchase a cell phone call list using a company like and sending out an automated message to all the phone numbers that will go directly to their voicemails by using a company like No matter how you market the open house, your goal is to capture leads, whether that’s by having a sign-up sheet by using an app like that you can download for free, utilizing a raffle to get email addresses, or using your charm and expertise to get leads. Make sure to get contact information and follow-up that week to thank them for attending your open house and add them to your lead system.

              Advertising isn’t just about putting your photo in the local real estate magazine and hope someone will see it. Target your advertising just like you market to your farm. Find out if your community has a local newspaper or newsletter and get yourself in it. Start with a small ad or ask if they have any specials. Make sure your contact information is large and easy to read and add a photo and logo to help distinguish yourself. Partner with another agent or two in your office and run an ad together, this can cut down on costs. Facebook and Instagram ads are some of the cheapest way to advertise so take advantage and with Facebook, you can still target an area to advertise. To take the guesswork out of advertising, partner with a company like to help you create the best Facebook ads. If online advertising seems to difficult to navigate then try You can purchase a zip code whether for the web, for mobile and Facebook ads, or both. The ad can be changed anytime and it will target only that zip code. If you’re with a franchise, check to see if you’re eligible for discounts through any of these companies. Participate in local events as a vendor and have something to giveaway that prospective clients will keep. If the local home magazine targets your specific area, then try it out and always ask if they offer any specials. Digital displays, billboards, or bus benches are a great way to be seen by a lot of people if your community offers them and your budgets allows for it. No matter which avenue you chose, don’t sign up for a lengthy contract in case it doesn’t provide enough return on your investment and you want to switch to something else. Always ask and keep track of where your leads come from so that you’re spending your money in the place that’s generating the most leads. One of the worst things an agent can hear is, “Oh, I didn’t know you were in real estate.” By utilizing some or all of these options, you’ll never have to hear those words.

 No matter where your lead comes from, you need to work the lead by responding within minutes, if not seconds, of receiving it. Utilize a customer relation management (CRM) system to keep track of all your leads. There are many CRM software programs so check out to compare and chose the one that will work best for your needs. If your franchise offers a free CRM, take advantage of it until your business grows and you need a plan that offers more features. Make sure all your leads are set up on campaign so that they are contacted at least once a month. Every lead is important so don’t let even one slip by you.

By Kerry Keith July 27, 2020

 Referrals are an excellent way to generate more leads for your real estate business. It’s been reported that 82% of all real estate transactions come from referrals, with 42% of sellers finding their real estate agent by a recommendation from someone they know. To have longevity as a real estate agent, referrals must be an essential part of an agent’s business. Referrals start with excellent customer service and the ability to deliver what was promised. You must be reliable, professional, return calls and emails promptly, and go above and beyond what is expected. You not only want to get a positive review from your client, but you want them to refer you to their friends and family. There are lots of ways to build your referral business and many ways and places to get referrals. It can be easier to get referrals from warmer lead sources such as current and past clients, personal or professional contacts such as a teacher, doctor, or hair stylist, business associates, and your farm or neighborhood where you market yourself. There are other referral sources such as posting on social media, joining referral groups, connecting with out of area agents, and franchise referral networks.  

 The best way to get referrals from your warmer lead sources is to consistently stay connected on a regular basis. By using a follow-up system or a customer loyalty program, you’ll always be able to stay in the front of your client’s mind. Closing gifts after you sell a home provide the chance to thank your clients and remind them that you’re always ready and willing to assist their friends or family with any of their real estate needs. Utilizing email is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to stay connected to clients. It allows you to keep current and past clients updated on the real estate market and trends in their area so they see and know that you are the local real estate expert. Newsletters, market updates, buyer and seller resources, or questions and answers are also powerful to send. It can be anything as long as it offers something of value and is done a regular basis, such as monthly, bi-monthly, or even weekly.

 Direct mail is another great way to reach clients with market updates or just listed/just sold announcements. A pop-by help an agent stay connected and ask for referrals for past clients and often times, in person. The list for a pop-by can be narrowed down if you have too many to those who are likely to offer referrals or repeat business or do half your list one month and the other half the next month. Branded merchandise can also be utilized for a pop-by, when doing events, open houses, or a monthly, quarterly, or yearly direct mail piece. Branded merchandise has a longer shelf life so that clients always have your contact information. The use of a logo or slogan can help to make it even more recognizable. Don’t forget to send anniversary cards to all your past clients during the month when they purchased their home from you. Birthday cards are similar to home anniversary cards where it shows your client that you took the time to wish them well and now, you’re at the top of their mind. During your closing, make sure to add your client’s birthday to your calendar or you can pull their information from Facebook, if they have an account.

 While warmer lead sources are easier to connect with, business associates such as lenders, home inspectors, or title reps are another way to obtain referrals. Make sure you ask for a referral, especially when you are referring them to someone. Social Media can be a great source for referrals. You need to post regularly and consistently on your page to keeping followers and neighbors informed and make sure to provide content with value and that is easily shareable.  You should also join all the real estate groups on Facebook to be able to connect with agents around the country. Real estate groups such as Real Estate Agent Group, Raise the Bar in Real Estate, Successful Women in Real Estate All Over the World, What’s Up Realtors, and the National Association of Realtors. Also make sure to join your local state, association board, and local town real estate groups for maximum exposure. LinkedIn is also another great place to connect with other agents from all over the world. Groups such as Smart about Real Estate, Real Estate Professional Referral Group, and Real Estate Open Networks have the most members. Remember, don’t just join, you also have to participate to get any benefits out of the groups. Another way to get referrals from out of area agents is to join a referral network group. If you work for a franchise, the franchise should already have the referral system in place and all you have to do is make sure you are active and all your contact information is correct. If not, check out Referral Exchange.

 Asking and sharing reviews is another opportunity to ask for referrals. When someone is gracious enough to take the time to provide a review, take the time to thank them and don’t be afraid to ask if they know of anyone who might be buying or selling a home in the near future. The review can be posted on your social media page or via email to your client database offering another chance to ask for a referral. Once you receive a referral, remember to always thank whoever provided the referral whether that’s with a phone call, email, a thank you card, a pop-by or a combination even if the lead doesn’t pane out. If the lead does result in a sale, a thank you gift after closing is another way to show appreciation.  Anyone who consistently refers business to you, make sure to reciprocate the gesture so they know how much their kindness helps you and your business.

Don’t forget:

·      When asking for a referral use questions like, “do you know anyone who has thoughts of buying or selling?” or “Who do you know that might be ready to make a move?”

·      When sending out an email campaign, make it shareable and include something that says, “feel free to share to anyone who you think might be interested in buying or selling.”

·      Create a video from your smart phone and ask for referrals then share it via email or social media.

·      Be easy to find, easy to contact, and easy to be able to email or leave a message without any hiccups.

·      Your website, blog, emails, and social media group should all have your contact information to allow someone to easily contact or message you.

·      Always have business cards available so that if you run into someone you can offer your business card or a piece of merchandise material.

·      Respond within five minutes after receiving a referral.

Don’t ever be afraid to ask for a referral. Most people are more than happy to help, all you have to do is ask.
By Kerry Keith April 20, 2020

 If you’re not on Facebook for your real estate business it’s time you start, considering there are 2.38 billion Facebook users in the world. If you want to build a thriving real estate business and you plan on working in real estate for the next three years or more then your business must have a presence on social media, and a Facebook business page is the perfect solution. You can post only on your business page if you chose not to use Facebook for personal use or if you don’t want your business to mix with your personal account, then you can invite only those you wish to like and follow your business page and set restrictions on what others can see, tag, or post on your page.

 A Facebook business page is a great place to engage with your clients, potential customers, and followers, build your build and reputation, increase traffic to your website, announce listings, sales, and open houses, and get leads. There are also expectations that all real estate agents and brokers should have a Facebook business page because sellers can search Facebook to see what kind of marketing an agent is doing for their listings and how their own home would be marketed should they list with you. Buyers also search Facebook for upcoming listings and open houses and to find out who’s the local expert in their neighborhood of interest. Clients want someone who not only knows the real estate market, but is familiar with the community and amenities and a Facebook page can offer you a place to shine a light on your local expertise.

 To create a Facebook page for your business, you’ll first log into your Facebook account. There’s a Create button at the top of your Facebook page and once you click on it you can scroll down to Page. You’ll click Get Started under Business or Brand then it will ask you for your Page Name and Category. Continue through all the steps and make sure they are complete including a profile photo, cover photo, and business description. Be sure to include the cities you cover and any specialties (like first time home buyer or veteran specialist) in the description box. This is how people search for you on search engines such as Google or Yahoo. Your user name is your @ then your user name and be sure to make it something easy for people to find and remember.

 Now that your page is set up, your first post could be a welcome post with a photo or video and information about you and your business. Be authentic, your page is a representation of your real estate business and your brand, and it should represent who you are. It’s recommended to invite your friends to like and follow your page. To do that, you need to be on your business page not your main personal account and under your cover photo there will be Liked, Following, Share, then 3 dots. Hover over the 3 dots and a drop-down menu will appear then scroll down and click on Invite Friends. You can either scroll through the list and select the friends you want to invite and then click Send Invite or toward the top of the list you can Select

 All and then Send Invite to invite your entire friend list to like your page. It’s recommended to invite everyone to like your page because they can decide to decline to like your page, they can like your page but chose not to follow your page, or they can like and follow your page. You never know where your next referral will come from. It’s also a great idea to follow all the businesses in your community, city pages, any clubs or associations in your neighborhood, your local board, CAR, NAR, and any real estate groups.

 You have a Facebook business page, you invited all your friends to like and follow your page, and you have your first post up on your page, now you need to start posting to your page with consistency. It’s recommended to post at least once a day, though experts say it’s better to post three times a day for maximum exposure. Here are some ideas on what to post, just listed, just sold, price reductions, coming soon, or open house announcements. Market updates are great to gain higher engagement and they can be as simple as how many homes are on the market, how many sales, or the average sales or list price for the month, week, or even day. Community events are an easy thing to post and if you’re following a city, a homeowner’s association, or a club page in your neighborhood then it’ll be easy to share to your business page so that you don’t have to create the post yourself.

 Besides posting, you’ll also want to engage with your followers. Make sure you respond to anyone and everyone who has replied to any of your posts. This could be something simple as a Like to their comment though it’s better to reply to their comment because this is how you will increase engagements. If you have any notifications, on your desktop at the top there will be a red bubble with the number of notifications next to or almost in front of the bell icon that will allow you to see who has commented on your post, replied to one of your comments, or liked your page. If you have any friend requests the red bubble will appear over the people icon and any direct messages (DM) will appear in front of the conversation bubble, making it easy to see your activity at a quick glance. On your cell phone the bell and friend’s icon is usually at the bottom while the direct message notification is usually at the top right. Remember, once you click on the direct message icon it will take you out of Facebook and to the Messenger app.

 It may seem daunting to have to post something every day but start small… with one post and one share a week then push yourself to twice a week. Soon you’ll start to get some momentum with engagements and you’ll want to put out more content. Creating content seems to be the biggest challenge for Realtors®. Pages on Facebook like @Houzz or offer tons of great content to share to your business page and it also provides ideas to create your own posts. If your office or franchise doesn’t offer curated content, you’re an independent broker, or you just want more content, you can try where you sign up for a monthly subscription of $30 and you receive images and captions that are created specifically for real estate agents and all you have to do is save the image and caption and post it to your Facebook page. No matter what, when, or how often you post on your Facebook business page, the most important thing is to put out content and engage with your followers so that you can build your brand, boost traffic to your website, and generate leads.
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